by Lou | Sep 4, 2013 | Blog, Penny Pinching
I love free stuff! Don’t you love free stuff? Who doesn’t love free stuff? I will smack the first person that says they don’t love free stuff! In all seriousness, being able to tell you about great free games makes my day. More often than not free...
by Lou | Jun 1, 2013 | Blog, Penny Pinching
Free to play games are all the rage right now in the gaming world. You can’t throw a rock without hitting a free to play MMO, Facebook, or mobile game. That makes this market really hard to find great games. Most free to play games try to get you to spend money...
by Lou | Feb 28, 2013 | Blog, Penny Pinching
Zombies are kind of a huge thing in pop culture right now. A lot of things caused this, like The Walking Dead on TV and films such as Shaun of the Dead. The supply of games with zombies is even more endless. Games that once used Nazis or demons now have made zombies...
by Lou | Jan 27, 2013 | Blog, Penny Pinching
I’ll be honest… Minecraft is really not my thing. There is something about the playing style of Minecraft that annoys me. I think it is that fact it can seemingly go on forever, or maybe that it feels like you are designing the game as you play. My preference has...
by Lou | Nov 28, 2012 | Blog, Penny Pinching
Puzzle games like Tetris, Dr. Mario, or Bejeweled, have been the forefront of the genre since its conception. Other lesser titles like Dr. Robotnics Mean Bean Machine, Puzzle Quest, and Bust-a-Move have attempted to have major roles in the puzzle genre. The puzzle...