SC 237 – Brave Heroes for CYL 8
We are back for our last episode before going on hiatus, to cover the Choose Your Legend 8 Heroes and everything surrounding it, including a new Grand Hero Battle unit and features announced in the FEH Channel. Finally, we close the show with a thank you and when to expect to hear from us next. Happy summoning!
Podcast (summoner): Download (Duration: 30:11 — 28.4MB)
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SC 236 – End of Summer Festival
We come back with not one but two new Mythic Heroes to cover as well as the return of the Hoshidan Summer Festival starring Fates and Tellius. We also go over the recent FEH Channel and celebration event currently running.
Podcast (summoner): Download (Duration: 32:24 — 30.4MB)
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SC 235 – Sacred Stones and Friend
We return to cover the new banner featuring an Ascended and Attuned Hero from Sacred Stones, plus an original character from the latest Tempest Trials Special Story. We also catch up with the next Resplendent Hero, then end with an announcement regarding our next few episodes.
Podcast (summoner): Download (Duration: 26:22 — 24.9MB)
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SC 234 – Three Houses, Engage!
We return with the second set of Summer Heroes, as well as the most recent Emblem Hero. We also had a new Version Update but not too much to cover there, and share early thoughts on the Reginn TT series that just started. Oh, and Resplendent Chrom will soon arrive to FEH Pass subscribers.
Podcast (summoner): Download (Duration: 31:12 — 29.3MB)
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SC 233 – Time Travel Summer Fun
Summer kicks off for Fire Emblem Heroes with the first batch of Summer Heroes! This time around Awakening is joined by a collection of FEH original heroes from both Book II and Book VII.
Podcast (summoner): Download (Duration: 22:07 — 21.0MB)
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SC 232 – Tellius with a Side of Fates
We return this week to cover the new Tellius banner as well as Legendary Corrin. We also cover the Midpoint FEH Channel including early thoughts on the new mode.
Podcast (summoner): Download (Duration: 36:52 — 34.5MB)
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SC 231 – Brides To Be
This week we cover the new Bridal banner starring Engage and FEH as well as the next Resplendent Hero. A bit shorter of a week since not much is going on outside of FEH.
Podcast (summoner): Download (Duration: 20:15 — 19.2MB)
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SC 230 – Fallen Engage Spoilers
We return to cover the new Fallen Heroes from Blazing Blade and Engage, and through the many distractions, we also cover when the Loki banner units will return. Plus the next Resplendent Hero which returns to a launch hero.
Podcast (summoner): Download (Duration: 32:41 — 30.6MB)
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SC 229 – Cloudy on Fates Heroes
We return this week after a short delay due to life and forgetful co-hosts to cover the new Fates banner starring Attuned Azura. We also cover the surprise (not really, just forgot about it) Golden Week FEH Channel and the new Mythic Loki that was introduced in it clouds and all.
Podcast (summoner): Download (Duration: 37:30 — 35.1MB)
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SC 228 – Lissa and the Gang Return
Everyone rejoice Lissa has returned, joined by her siblings, Frederick and a pair of Robins on the young hero banner for Ylisse. We also cover the most recent Emblem Hero with Ike and end with a check in on Unicorn Overlord and what Eddie has been doing since finishing the game.
Podcast (summoner): Download (Duration: 45:38 — 42.5MB)
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