Reviewing the Reviewers

Reviewing the Reviewers

In a day and age where there is a distressingly and ever-increasingly large amount of pre-release information available on pretty much any and every video game title, the need for the review might be coming to an end. But don’t tell that to the video game reviewers...

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DLC: A Problem with the English Language

DLC: A Problem with the English Language

English-language speakers have a fundamental problem when trying to discuss anything: Invariably, one word will be used to mean two, three, or four different things. Just ask your local weather forecaster what they mean by rain – do they mean drizzle, a thunderstorm,...

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The Attic – The Secret of Monkey Island

The Attic – The Secret of Monkey Island

Ah, so you've found it! The Attic, where all sorts of video game gems of years past come to collect dust. Well, I'm here to uncover these oldies and give them a breath of fresh air. The first entry for The Attic is a game I grew up playing on my family's first PC, an...

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