Not a whole lot going on in Fire Emblem Heroes, but Eddie and Ryan break down their latest summons as well as their time in Tempest Trials. Game Club for Shadow Dragon continues as we recruit Minerva to Marth’s cause. Speaking of Shadow Dragon, our StrawPoll for next week’s Summoner’s Focus is live now, so go and vote! Get excited summoners, as next week is our first live episode! October 27th at 2 PM ET over at
Extra Life is back and The Gamers’ Inn will be embarking on an epic journey to play video games in support of Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals. Check out our team and get more information on the event. This year we will be focusing on multiple streaming days, including an event on October 27th and November 10th. Special to Summoner’s Call, we’ll be hosting our first LIVE episode on the afternoon of October 27th. Anyone who donates to our campaign and marks FEH or Summoner’s Call in their message will be able to join us on the show!
Summoner’s Call is a weekly podcast focused on Fire Emblem Heroes! Each week Ryan and Eddie (Dralfir) discuss their time in the game, go over the latest Fire Emblem Heroes news, and cover topics that have peaked their interest.
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