For Azeroth is back from hiatus with a new cohost! Joce and Manny cover the Battle For Azeroth Q&A from March 15th, 2018, as well as the release of Chronicle: Volume Three. They then tell the story of Warchief Vol’jin, from his early days through to the destruction of Theramore. Finally, Joce and Manny take a look at the listener submitted add-on All The Things. They finish up with an email about the orc aesthetic in Orgrimmar, and how it’s changed over the years.
Alpha Q&A
The latest Alpha Q&A happened March 15th with Ion and Josh, covering a new Allied Race, the Azerite system, and PvP Prestige rewards
Chronicle: Volume 3 is the final installment in the series
The third and final volume in Blizzard’s exhaustive history of Azeroth comes out on March 27.
All The Things is a collection helper that uses the ItemDB to list everything available in a given zone. Tracks Appearances, Illusions, Mounts, Pets, Toys, Music Rolls, and Titles.
- % completion based on items you have vs items available
- You can pop out any category into a new window, allowing you to focus on something like dungeon drops
- Shows a list of all shared appearance gear pieces and which ones you’ve collected
- Tons of filters to allow you to drill down to the things you most want to work on
- Great detailed tool-tips (even in the add-on settings), sometimes with instructions, sometimes with flavor text. Most details can be turned off
- It puts a small “Collected” or “Not Collected” notification at the top of any item tool-tip (works when looting, or when at vendors)
- Tracks across characters, so no double purchases
- When you buy from vendors, remember that there is often a timer, allowing you to get a full refund. If you do this, you will lose the appearance, so keep that in mind!
- They have an active Discord community for support
- Tips and Tricks
- Uncheck the Auto Mini List option, and use a macro instead to pop up the window for your current zone when you’re out collecting things
- /script AllTheThings:GetWindow(“CurrentInstance”):Show();
- If you enable Incomplete Quests, All The Things will show you Rares and World Bosses as well! With the Treat as Collectable box checked, it will track non-daily quests, helping you complete Loremaster achievements
- Uncheck the Auto Mini List option, and use a macro instead to pop up the window for your current zone when you’re out collecting things
Joce on Twitter
Manny on Twitter