SC Mini – Mythic Gullveig & Kvasir
Before we open up Book VIII next week, we wanted to close Book VII by catching up with the latest Mythic Heroes. We have the big bad Gullveig, as well as past/future version Kvasir. Time travel, it sure is weird… I’m sure the Heroes of Askr will be glad to park the DeLorean for a bit. Bring on Book VIII and happy summoning!
Podcast (summoner): Download (Duration: 6:15 — 6.4MB)
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SC 217 – Ginnungagap Wraps Up Book VII
Back again to cover the new batch of heroes including one OC unit and 5 Blazing Blade units. We also cover the end of Book VII and the twists and turns that time travel brought to the story. Then we end with a short tangent to other tactics games thanks to the recently released Persona 5 Tactica.
Podcast (summoner): Download (Duration: 33:45 — 31.6MB)
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SC 216 – More Ninjas, More Ninjas, More!
This week we return with a quick episode covering the new Ninja banner with Radiant Dawn and Fates Heroes. We also ramble into a short tangent discussing the story for Book VII and where it is at right before it comes to a close next week.
Podcast (summoner): Download (Duration: 25:09 — 23.7MB)
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SC Mini – Mythic Veyle
On this Summoner’s Call Mini, Ryan goes over the latest Mythic Hero: Veyle from Fire Emblem Engage. He also goes over the latest Resplendent Hero, a new Version Update, and a quick preview of the upcoming Special Heroes which we will cover next week!
Podcast (summoner): Download (Duration: 7:04 — 7.2MB)
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SC 215 – Attuned Heroes Arrive
This week, after life threw us a curve ball delaying our coverage of the Harvest Special Heroes, we return with not just those heroes but a second banner introducing a new type of unit called the Attuned Hero. Better even, not just one Attuned Hero but two! We have quite a lot of Fire Emblem Heroes to cover so buckle up for a hefty episode.
Podcast (summoner): Download (Duration: 53:46 — 49.9MB)
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SC Mini – Legendary Elincia
We’ve got a Summoner’s Call Mini to catch up with the latest Resplendent Hero and Legendary Hero. We take a quick moment to preview the latest Special Heroes, but we’ll save a full overview for our next episode. Stay tuned and happy summoning!
Podcast (summoner): Download (Duration: 6:00 — 6.2MB)
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SC 214 – 1000 Heroes in FEH
We’re back after just a week to cover the new Rearmed and Ascended banner as Plumeria gets a Rearmed version and Genealogy has the spotlight. FEH has released 1,000 heroes and is celebrating that milestone with a bunch of bonuses and a 5 star version of a new Hero.
Podcast (summoner): Download (Duration: 27:36 — 26.0MB)
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SC 213 – Celebrating the Wind Festival
This week we celebrate the Wind Tribe in Fire Emblem Heroes with brand new Special Heroes. Plus we have information on the next Resplendent Hero. Finally, we join the Fire Emblem community in hoping for a Nintendo Direct appearance for the franchise this September. Fingers crossed!
Podcast (summoner): Download (Duration: 30:17 — 28.4MB)
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SC Mini – Legendary Alear
On this SC Mini we cover the latest Legendary Hero to be added to the game: Alear from Fire Emblem Engage! Alongside this new hero, we also go over the latest Resplendent Hero, the next Version Update, and a quick look at the next Special Heroes.
Podcast (summoner): Download (Duration: 8:30 — 8.5MB)
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SC 212 – Brave Heroes and Tea Parties
Life and summer get in the way but that gives you an extra large episode as we cover not one but two FEH Channels and two banners with the tea time focused Special Heroes banner and the CYL 7 Brave Heroes. We also have an announcement about some changes we are making to our recording schedule.
Podcast (summoner): Download (Duration: 51:33 — 47.9MB)
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