October 19th, 2018

Ryan has been driving all fancy like through the UK in Forza Horizon 4 on Xbox One, thanks to the Game Pass. Jocelyn brings Reigns: Game of Thrones to the table to discuss the new layer on the swipe left/right mechanics of the first two Reigns games. In the news, Blizzard makes the surprising announcement to temper expectations of Diablo fans looking for major news at BlizzCon.

Extra Life is back and The Gamers’ Inn will be embarking on an epic journey to play video games in support of Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals. Check out our team and get more information on the event. This year we will be focusing on multiple streaming days, including an event on October 27th and November 10th.

The Gamers’ Inn is a weekly podcast focused on all things video games! Each week Jocelyn and Ryan discuss what they’re playing, go over industry related news, and cover topics that have peaked their interest.

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