April 27th, 2016

Welcome to our beta episode of Innside the Game, a spin off podcast where Jocelyn and Ryan talk about one game. On our inaugural episode we take a deep time dive into Quantum Break on Xbox One to discuss story, gameplay, the TV episodes, and much more! If you enjoy our game specific discussions on The Gamers’ Inn and want us to go further, this is the series for you!

Want more Innside the Game? So do we! It’s currently our $150/Episode milestone on Patreon, and when we hit that milestone we would love to bring our fine listeners regular installments of Innside the Game. If you want to help us out, head on over to patreon.com/TheGamersInn and support The Gamers’ Inn.

Innside the Game – May 2016

What happens if we hit our $150/Episode milestone on Patreon? We’ll need a game to cover! And that’s where the Patrons come in! If we hit the milestone we will post a poll featuring the following games to be released in May. When one is chosen, we’ll pick up the game, beat it, and then have a new Innside the Game ready for you! If you need a little extra incentive to pledge, we’ll be giving away a copy of Quantum Break on Windows 10 to any Patron that pledges over $2/Episode before the end of April. Good luck!

  • Overwatch
  • Uncharted 4
  • Doom
  • Battleborn

The Gamers’ Inn is supported by the Patrons over at Patreon.com/TheGamersInn! If you enjoy our video game fueled banter and would like to support the show, join your fellow gamers as a Patron!

Have a question or comment for the show? Email the show at info@gamersinnpodcast.com!

Did you hear? We have a Discord server for Gamers’ Inn fans! There’s a general text and voice chat for non-Patrons, but Patreon supporters have access to voice channels we’ll be using for Game Night.

The Gamers’ Inn is a weekly podcast focused on all things video games! Each week Jocelyn and Ryan discuss what they’re playing, go over industry related news, and cover topics that have peaked their interest.

The show is recorded live every Wednesday night at 7 Eastern on Amove.TV. Be sure to join in on the chat and connect with other listeners before, during and after the show!

Get The Gamers’ Inn
iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/podcast/the-gamers-inn/id491850770
Stitcher: https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/gamers-inn/the-gamers-inn
RSS: https://gamersinnpodcast.com/feed/podcast/


TGI Studios