November 5th, 2013


On a slightly late, but for a good reason, episode of The Gamers’ Inn Jocelyn and Ryan look back at Extra Life 2013. On November 2nd with a team of 16 people The Gamers’ Inn played video games for 25 hours and had a blast doing it! They also raised over double their initial goal of $2000! We discuss the games we played, the guests we had, and touch on the awful DDoS attacks that plagued the Extra Life website during the event. Over the course of the day we streamed nearly every game we played and we’ll be getting that video content ready for you shortly. If you can’t wait you can go to the Amove.TV Twitch page or The Gamers’ Inn Twitch page to watch the fun times roll.

One final call to action, if you still haven’t donated to our Extra Life campaign you have until December 31st to do so! Be sure to head on over to and get your donating on!


TGI Studios