November 9th, 2012

Hey everyone! Halo 4 came out this week! And not much else… Before giving first impressions on the big release we wrap up Fable III talk and both inn keepers have started playing the Assassin’s Creed series! For Halo 4 Jocelyn is six chapters in but not so sure about the games future in her collection where as Ryan raced through the campaign and is really enjoying it.

After a short Quick Fire news (Halo 4 sort of dominated the video game industry this week), Jocelyn and Ryan take on Video Game Mashups for Topic of the Week. We cover mashups of Video Games and Movies like Angry Birds Star Wars, which inspired the topic, and mashups of Video Games Universes like the Super Smash Brothers series.

This week won’t be the last you hear of Halo 4 as next week we’ll be joined by Angus McQuarrie from 343 Industries. We will be recording live on Thursday the 15th at 8:30 EST. See you then!


TGI Studios