June 6th, 2015

This week on Gamers’ Inn Ryan shares more on The Witcher 3, which Jocelyn picked up on the PS4. More Splatoon talk with amiibo impressions and discussing Nintendo’s content plan. They appear to be keeping the details of their plan behind curtains while promising a summer full of content updates. What do you think about how Nintendo is handling Splatoon content? Let us know! Finally, we wrap up What We’re Playing with a recap of the madness that was Magicka 2 on Game Night.

Our topic this week focuses on some of the larger announcements this week, but is prefaced by Ryan’s disappointment with the internet and their reactions to what all and all, is pretty awesome news. But enough of that, what announcements did we talk about!

XCOM 2 Reveal

Fallout 4 Reveal

Magni in Hearthstone Reveal


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