January 31st, 2015

We return to our normal recording day and time to chat about D&D, Jocelyn’s PS4, Dying Light and (surprise, surprise) Blizzard games! First up we recap our first experience in a Warlords of Draenor raid, Highmaul. Next Jocelyn spills the beans on her PS4 purchase and Hearthstone promise to hit Legendary in February (send your support!). Ryan gives his first impressions on Dying Light, but for more in depth discussions check out Zombies Ate My Podcast, where the ZAMP crew and James will tell you everything you need to know about the zombie hit! Finally we revisit the world of Dungeons and Dragons with Ryan’s experience with 5th Edition. Prepare yourself for some critical miss and critical hit stories. 🙂

In place of a topic this week we catch up with listener feedback, featuring chat of GOTY, Destiny, Dragon Age and agreeing with Ryan. If you have comments to share, or want to disagree with Ryan, send your email in and we will no doubt read it on the show!


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