March 15th, 2012

One week after the release of Mass Effect 3 the Gamers’ Inn is still going strong. We start things off by giving details on our first GIG (Gamers’ Inn Game) Night! Starting things off with Quick Fire news we bravely speed through the news of the week, until we get to the stuff worth discussing. In the news we talk new Bioshock Infinite trailers, 1 in 3 gamers are turned off by online games, and Blizzard is offering auto-leveled 80 characters. Finally we talk “What We’ve Been Playing” with… YOU! Our first call in show!





Quick News

  • No Valve Console – Game Informer
  • Mass Effect 3 Ending Rage (SPOILERS) – Kotaku
  • Angry Birds in Space Trailer – YouTube
  • Microsoft doubles the achievement cap for XBLA titles – IGN
  • FTP Game of Thrones MMO – IGN
  • Double Fine Kickstarter Project ends with over $3 million in funding – IGN
  • SWTOR gets an update – IGN
  • SWTOR Free to Play this weekend (Mar 16th – Mar 18th)


One in Three Online Players turned off of FPS Multiplayer because of Abuse – IGN Poll

Blizzard offers serious perks with it’s World of Warcraft Scroll of Resurrection – Blizzard FAQ

What We’re Playing

Next week we will be talking all things Mass Effect 3 including the controversy over the ending, DLC and all the main story missions, full on spoilers, listeners beware!


TGI Studios