March 1st, 2014


This week Ryan is joined by Joel Duggan of Starcrossed Online fame and James “Iyagovos” of Initiative Check awesomeness as Jocelyn is out this week. Joel has been playing Hawken, the free to play beta that was recently moved over to Steam. James has been exploring his back catalog of games by completing Metal Gear Revengeance and passing on Psychonauts. Ryan has been enjoying another Nintendo title with Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze, which is very similar to the previous Donkey Kong Country. It’s awesome and if you played the previous game you’ll love the sequel.

On Thursday evening for Gamers’ Inn Game Night Ryan, Jocelyn, Joel and UnderscoreFunk played Starcraft II: Heart of the Swarm. If you want to join us Game Night is every Thursday at 8 PM EST. To find out what game we’ll be playing follow Ryan and Jocelyn on Twitter to keep informed!

Our topic this week was inspired by our Game Night as we discuss streaming games and how it affects the industry and gamers playing habits.


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